Friday, July 22, 2011

Adult Braces

Few people question the decision to get braces for their children. However, when adults consider the idea of getting braces for themselves, they many times decide against it. Why is that? Probably the top answer sited is money, followed by the fact that they think they will feel silly wearing braces. Let's look at each of these answers.

First of all: money. And yes, there is a financial cost to braces. But you need to consider this: Braces are a financial investment. Similar to an investment purchase. If you invest money in the stock market, you hope to receive more than you investment. If you invest money in real estate, you hope the value increases. And we both know that investments in stocks and real estate have not always yielded returns. But investing in yourself and your smile will yield a return. A huge return! You will smile more often, your smile will be a beautiful smile, and as I have mentioned before, THAT will earn you more money!! It will help you get a job, help you earn a promotion, and help you close business deals. Does any other investment have the potential to yield such a high financial return.

The second objection is fear of what others will think if you are wearing braces, if you will feel self-conscious. My opinion is this. Whenever I see someone taking steps to improve their life, I am always impressed. Getting braces is no different. People will see that you are investing in yourself and improving yourself. And they will be impressed. How much more impressive is a smile with braces than a smile with crooked teeth? And, in a few months, there will be even more improvement because you will have no braces and a FABULOUS smile. I personally think that sounds exciting.

If you are an adult and have considered investing in your smile, call my office today. The first consultation is free. All you will be investing is your time. So why not find out how you can improve your smile, your income, your life. Call my office today: (248) 569-8770. You will be glad you did!!

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