Friday, June 17, 2011

Money, Money, Money, Money

OK. Let's first dispel the myth that money is the root of all evil. This is a statement that has been misquoted for centuries. On the contrary, money is important and we were created to live a life of abundance. So now that we are good with the idea of enjoying abundance, let's talk about how that smile will bring money into your life.

As I have previously discussed, a beautiful healthy smile is imperative for a job interview. But what if you are satisfied with your current job? Is a fantastic smile still important? You bet it is! If you are in sales and marketing, you need the smile to close the deal. And let's face it: no matter what your job is, you are in the profession of sales and marketing. If nothing more, you need to sell and market yourself! This is true whether you are competing for a promotion, maintaining rapport with your clients, attempting to persuade someone to a point of view, or just keeping on the good side of the boss. So, in your profession as well as in life, you need to smile and smile often. Because smiling will truly bring you MORE money!! And if you are not confident in your smile, you need to call my office.

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